Annual hikes with Floris and Lis

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In August 2012 Aleksa, Chris, Lis (right), and Floris (left) made an overnight trip to Parc La Mauricie.
Floris brought an iFieldGuide, useful for scat...
... and fungi.
Chris has a different ID procedure (and Aleksa rightly assumes everything is deathly poisonous until proven otherwise).
We held a high standard for food. Here's our serene pastoral picnic,
marred by some violent tendencies.
My mermaid...
In 2013 we upped the ante to a two-day, 50 km hut loop in the Parc national du Mont Tremblant.
After an overnight near the trailhead, and some permit negotiations, ...
we made it in without too much difficulty to our hut.
Floris' pose for GQ.
Happy times around camp, ...
in ignorance of the foot pains to come for Lis and Aleksa.
Trip leader selfie.
There's always time for tree-hugging.
We weren't the only ones eating well.