Spring in the Enchantments
May 2015

This spring, in early summer conditions, Bryan met up ...
with Aleksandra and me in Washington state for a non-quota visit to the Enchantment basin.
In fact, Bryan appeared (as typically) in the wee hours, while Aleksandra and I were sleeping.
The next morning we walked through an over-crowded and unregulated camping zone, heading for Aasgard pass on the far side of Colchuck Lake.
Half way up, ...
we paused for some lightning to pass, ...
which required some replacement of instinctive fears with informed strategy. (The salmon jerky seemed to help calm someone's fears too.)
We climbed into the larch trees, which I think may be a big part of what makes this area so special.
The best route up the pass is not unambiguous ...
and depends on the (rapidly changing) snow cover.
There is no steep descent on the other side of the pass. The Enchantment basin was still snowy.
We found bare rock for camp,
... with a nice view from the living room.
Next morning we headed out ...
towards Prussik Peak, the summit on the left.
The col gave us a view back to camp. From there the climb is just a few pitches of pleasant granite.
Aleksandra faced some challenges with the exposure but made an effort to keep her spirits up.
Bryan took a scenic piss ...
before leading the crux of the standard route, a short but exposed slab.
Fine positions ...
and a crowning chimney ...
lead to the small summit, joined by a number of other fine lines.
We made several double-rope rappels.
The final one...
... placed us on 40° snow on the North side of Prussik.
We regained the rest of our gear
and returned to camp.
The next day we headed back down the pass.
At one icy and exposed spot, Bryan could not safely move forward or backward, and hadn't room to put on some spikes --- without wrapping himself around a tree.
We made it down to the lake and thence back to roads (through severely overused, unregulated camping). Thanks, you two!
There are often lovely flowers like this cinquefoil in the middle of rock climbs.
There were some other climbers up there.
Do you know who made these (in Enchantment basin)?