Some Memories...

Here are my sister and me, climbing in the Tetons.

And here is Robert taking a ride across a cold stream in Jasper NP.

Here is how I like to spend free time on campus.

.. and me beginning up one of my favourite activities off-campus...
Although I still long for my home Rockies,

my new mountain home for the time being is the Sierra Nevada.

During the summer of 1996, these 104 inhabitants of planet Earth met in Vienna for ISU '96. We will not forget.

Here is the proud Canadian student delegation.

This summer I visited Switzerland,

where Noldi Barmettler, Bruce Normand, and I climbed Stockhorn (3260 m).

After two days doing "trail work" below Mischabelhütte (above Saas Fee),

Bruce and I also made the traverse between Nadelhorn (4327 m) and Stecknadelhorn.