Optical Experiment publications
[1997] Rapid
lateral expansion of optical luminosity in lightning-induced ionospheric
flashes referred to as "elves" (GRL)
[1999] Elves
triggered by positive and negative lightning (GRL)
[1999] Sprites triggered by negative lightning discharges (GRL)
[1999] Widespread confusion between elves and diffuse sprites (Poster at 1999 Fall AGU)
[2000] Telescopic imaging of sprites [PDF] (GRL, September 1, 2000) [Note superior quality of our PDF copy as compared with GRL's online version]
[2000] Identification of Sprites and Elves with
Intensified Video and Broadband Array Photometry [PDF] (JGR Blue, February 2001. JGR's scanned version.)
[2000] Fast
Photometric Imaging of High Altitude Optical Flashes Above
Thunderstorms, a PhD dissertation [PDF: 9 MB; for
2-sided printing] or [PDF: 9
MB; hyper-linked; for viewing, but not printing] or [flawed HTML version for browsing]