What's New on this Web site?

If you think the layout of this web site looks like it might have been cutting edge style in the previous century .... Thanks! (or sorry!). Indeed, I designed it then and I haven't much changed it since.

February 2005:

The site is 12 years old. Careful -- some stuff hasn't been updated since around then. New are some entries in the photo album and a diary under "Software" of my lessons as a GNU/Linux user. Also recent is a list of where my charity money goes.

December 2000:

My PhD dissertation is available from the Research page in printable PDF, hyperlinked PDF, and HTML formats! For help using BibTeX to write a thesis, see my LaTeX page, also accessible from "Software".

August 1999:

The letters site is down, and gone. (Next time, serve www with Linux, not NT.)

Another page in the photo album, from a visit to Mt Rainier in memory of Chris Hooyman.

January 1999:

The Political Letter Writing Site is launched!!!

Also, another page in the photo album with images from a winter excursion to Tuolumne Meadows.

November 1998:

Finally, a rudimentary "politics" page. Soon I will have a letter-writing centre online.

Also, another page in the photo-album. This shows some fun I have been having in ever-stunning California.

July 1998:

Another photo-album addition: a trip with siblings to Glacier NP. Also:
Marriage is out of date: a suggestion for anyone involved in a close personal relationship ... to be found under "Family".

February 1998:

A copy of the Matlab 5 toolbox I've developed for analysing video and photometer data, including a nice interface for matching star fields in digitized video, can be found from "Software". There are also some new sections in the Photo Album showing some field work from the summer of 1997, field work in Antarctica, and a short trip to New Zealand.

May 1997:

Just more photos: this time from a Sierra crossing. "Politics" page forthcoming.

March 1997:

New photos, accessible from "Family".

January 1997:

My resume and list of publications, accessible from "Academic".

December 1996:

Fly's Eye section, accessible from "Academic".

November 1996:

A brief writing on climbing and astronautics, accessible from "Space" or "Outdoors".

May 1993:

Intro to my family.